SQLpassion BLOG

Myths and Misconceptions about Transaction Isolation Levels

In todays blog posting I want to talk about myths & misconceptions about the various Transaction Isolation Levels that exists in SQL Server. I mainly want to talk about the following topics: Transaction Isolation Levels – What? NOLOCK never blocks!? Read Committed doesn’t holds locks!? Key Range Locks are specific to Serializable!? So let’s get …

Myths and Misconceptions about Transaction Isolation Levels + read more

How to throttle your Storage with Resource Governor in SQL Server 2014

In todays blog posting I want to talk about a very cool enhancement in SQL Server 2014: you are now finally able to throttle queries regarding their needed IOPS! Resource Governor was introduced back in SQL Server 2008, but the feature set was somehow limited: you were just able to limit CPU times (which is …

How to throttle your Storage with Resource Governor in SQL Server 2014 + read more

Why Transaction Log Auto Growths are degrading your performance

In this blog posting I want to talk a little bit in more detail why you should avoid Auto Growth operations on the Transaction Log. In my various consulting engagements I see a lot of SQL Server databases, that are running with the default file configuration for the initial size and Auto Growth settings for …

Why Transaction Log Auto Growths are degrading your performance + read more