SQL Server Quickie #10 – Forwarding Records
Today I have uploaded the 10th SQL Server Quickie to YouTube. This time I’m talking about Forwarding Records on heap tables. Thanks for watching! -Klaus
Today I have uploaded the 10th SQL Server Quickie to YouTube. This time I’m talking about Forwarding Records on heap tables. Thanks for watching! -Klaus
You know the problem: the “Estimated Number of Rows” in an operator in the Execution Plan is 42, but you know that 42 isn’t the correct answer to this query. You have also heard some time ago that SQL Server uses statistics to make that estimation. But how can you interpret these statistics to understand …
Inside the Statistics Histogram & Density Vector + read more
In todays blog posting I want to talk about myths & misconceptions about the various Transaction Isolation Levels that exists in SQL Server. I mainly want to talk about the following topics: Transaction Isolation Levels – What? NOLOCK never blocks!? Read Committed doesn’t holds locks!? Key Range Locks are specific to Serializable!? So let’s get …
Myths and Misconceptions about Transaction Isolation Levels + read more
In todays blog posting I want to talk about a very cool enhancement in SQL Server 2014: you are now finally able to throttle queries regarding their needed IOPS! Resource Governor was introduced back in SQL Server 2008, but the feature set was somehow limited: you were just able to limit CPU times (which is …
How to throttle your Storage with Resource Governor in SQL Server 2014 + read more
In this blog posting I want to talk a little bit in more detail why you should avoid Auto Growth operations on the Transaction Log. In my various consulting engagements I see a lot of SQL Server databases, that are running with the default file configuration for the initial size and Auto Growth settings for …
Why Transaction Log Auto Growths are degrading your performance + read more