
Do you need more than STATISTICS IO for Query Tuning?

The session option STATISTICS IO is my friend during query tuning engagements, because it tells you exactly how many page reads you had for a specific query. Every time that SQL Server requests a page of 8KB from the Buffer Pool, it gets logged through the output of STATISTICS IO. As a general guide I …

Do you need more than STATISTICS IO for Query Tuning? + read more

Plan Caching

Today I want to talk more about Plan Caching and its side-effects in SQL Server. As you might know, every logical query submitted to SQL Server is compiled into a physical execution plan. That execution plan is afterwards cached in the so-called Plan Cache for further reuse. Let’s talk in the first step about adhoc SQL statements …

Plan Caching + read more

The Performance Penalty of Bookmark Lookups in SQL Server

I have previously very often talked on my weblog about Bookmark Lookups in SQL Server, and how bad they can be regarding the various problems they introduce. In today’s blog posting I want to talk a little bit more about the performance aspect of Bookmark Lookups, and how they can slow down your whole SQL …

The Performance Penalty of Bookmark Lookups in SQL Server + read more