
In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton) and Sort Warnings

In-Memory OLTP is all about In-Memory. But that’s only half the truth. In today’s blog posting I want to show you that even In-Memory OLTP can cause disk activity when you just read data from memory. The problem here is inaccurate statistics in combination with explicit sort operators in the execution plan. The problem with …

In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton) and Sort Warnings + read more

Configuring the In-Memory OLTP File Group for High Performance

In todays’ blog posting I want to talk about the memory optimized file group used by In-Memory OLTP to achieve durability, and how to configure it for high performance throughput. Before we go down to the details, I want to give you a brief overview of how In-Memory OLTP achieves durability with this specialized file …

Configuring the In-Memory OLTP File Group for High Performance + read more

How Hekaton will impact the RTO of your database

Over the weekend I have encountered a very interesting side effect of Hekaton in SQL Server 2014, which unfortunately impacts your RTO (Recovery Time Objective) of your database in a negative way. As you know, Hekaton creates for every native compiled Table and Stored Procedure a DLL, which contains the native implementation in C code. …

How Hekaton will impact the RTO of your database + read more

Choose your Hash Bucket Count very wisely in Hekaton!

Today I have encountered a very simple blog posting where someone was inserting 1 millions of rows into a Hekaton Hash Index of 2048 buckets. Therefore I was running some tests how Hash Collisions in the Hash Buckets will affect the throughput of your Hekaton workload – and the results are very, very interesting. In …

Choose your Hash Bucket Count very wisely in Hekaton! + read more