SQLpassion Online Briefings & Online Academy

Wow – the last year is finally over! What a great luck! It was just terrible. The new year will be hopefully better than the last one. I also want to contribute and try to make the year 2017 a little bit better and therefore I announce today my brand-new online services – the SQLpassion Online Briefings and the SQLpassion Online Academy.

SQLpassion Online Briefings

Almost everyone provides Web Casts these days. Therefore it’s time for me to jump onto this train and also provide my regular Web Cast series! I’m calling my little baby the SQLpassion Online Briefings.

The goal of my new SQLpassion Online Briefings is quite simple: come and join me every month for an hour of FREE SQL Server training. I will show you together with a cup of coffee how to troubleshoot and make your SQL Server faster.

My first SQLpassion Online Briefing in January 2017 will be about SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1. Join me on January 19 from 11:00 – 12:00 (GMT + 1) and learn why SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1 is a real gamer changer, and why you maybe (?) don’t need SQL Server Enterprise Edition anymore. Please make sure to register soon, because the space is limited!

SQLpassion Online Academy

Since years I run regularly my SQL Server Query Tuning and Performance Tuning Workshop across Europe. But I can’t be everywhere where people want to have me. Sometimes the necessary travel arrangements would not work, sometimes there is just too less interest in a specific area/country to make a whole workshop week possible.

And therefore I’m coming now directly to you – to your office! But not in reality, only virtually through my SQLpassion Online Academy. My goal is to provide you a full-day deep-dive training on a specific SQL Server topic – hosted virtually through a Web-Based Live Meeting. It doesn’t matter where you will be based – just sign up and learn together with me about SQL Server.

The first SQLpassion Online Academy will be on air on January 30 from 09:00 – 17:00 (GMT + 1) and on January 31 from 09:00 – 17:00 (US Central Time) and we will do a deep-dive training on the In-Memory Technologies that SQL Server provides you (In-Memory OLTP & ColumnStore Indexes). Please make sure to register soon, because there is an early-bird price until January 15 available!


When we look back to the year 2016, the new year can be only better. I will do my best to contribute to make 2017 as awesome as possible. I hope that you as my regular reader has some time to dial-in into one of my upcoming Web Casts over the next months, or if you even have time to attend my full-day online training about In-Memory Technologies on January 30.

If you also want to propose specific topics for future Web Casts, please feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for your time,


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