Latches, Spinlocks & Lock-Free Data Structures Recording

A few weeks ago I have spoken at the SQLRally Nordic conference in Copenhagen about Latches, Spinlocks, and Lock-Free Data Structures in SQL Server. Fortunately my 2.5 hour long non-stop session was recorded, and is now finally available at Youtube for watching.



4 thoughts on “Latches, Spinlocks & Lock-Free Data Structures Recording”

  1. Hi Klaus,

    Hope you are doing great today,

    Good evening,

    I stumbled upon your website and it was great to watch the quickies (so conceptual with examples) , I am planning to prepare for Microsoft paper 70-462 and i request you to help me plan this from scratch and help me plan and execute my learning and achieve the certification.

    Kindly assist in this direction, thanks for your time.

    Awaiting response.

    Sudhir D Palve
    Mumbai, India

  2. Ruggiero Lauria

    Hi Klaus,
    great session, only a problem with the audio, it’s bit too low.
    Ruggiero Lauria

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