My upcoming Speaking Schedule

Over the next weeks and months I have a lot of various speaking engagements where I’m talking about various aspects of SQL Server Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting.

SQLSaturday #258, Istanbul/Turkey, October 5

It’s the first time that I’m in Istanbul, and even in Turkey, so I’m really looking forward to this event. I’m presenting here my famous “Advanced SQL Server Troubleshooting” session, where I’m talking about some advanced concepts and problems in SQL Server, and how you can troubleshoot them very easily with the tools and techniques provided by SQL Server.

SQLSaturday #260, Milan/Italy, October 8

Almost directly after Istanbul I’m flying to Milan in Italy where I’m presenting a session about Hekaton/XTP (Extreme Transaction Processing), the new In-Memory technology provided by SQL Server 2014. I will talk here about the challenges that we are facing currently in traditional databases like SQL Server, and how these problems can be solved by an In-Memory technology like XTP/Hekaton. 

SQLRally Nordic Stockholm/Sweden, November 5 – 6

It’s my 2nd time that I’m invited to speak at SQLRally Nordic. Last year I have presented in Copenhagen about Extended Events, and this year in Stockholm I’m talking about how you can measure the impacts when you are changing your Indexing Strategy. Imagine you are adding a new Index, and then you want to know which queries are now faster (mainly your read workload), and which queries are now slower (mainly your write workload). I will show you here a proven technique that I’m already using for several years very successfully when I’m working on Indexing Strategies for my customers.

SQLRally Amsterdam/Netherlands, November 7 – 8

Immediately after SQLRally Nordic I’m flying directly to Amsterdam for the 2nd SQLRally in this week, where I’m speaking about the same subject as in Stockholm: Index Impact Analysis.


I’m very proud that I have been invited to SQLRelay, which is a community oriented conference in the UK, which takes place at several cities across the whole country. I’m presenting here in Norwich (November 27), Bristol (November 28), and finally in London (November 29). The topics itself are not determined exactly by now, but again I will deliver some sessions about performance tuning and troubleshooting. So stay tuned 🙂

SQLpassion Academy

Besides all these events, I’m also running my own various SQL Server Workshops around Europe in November. You can find further information about them on the SQLpassion Academy website. If you are a member of the Belgium SQL Server User Group, please indicate this during your registration for my SQL Server Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting Workshop, because you are eligible for a 10% discount!

And, if you can’t attend any of these in-person events, I highly recommend my new SQLpassion Online Academy, where I’m providing High Quality Online Video Trainings with Instant Access to you. Till the end of September 2013 you can also buy 3 online videos for the price of 2 – so don’t wait too long!

If you are attending one of these events, leave a comment, and let’s try to meet each other in person!

Thanks for reading & I’m looking forward to see you at one of these events in-person or even virtually 🙂


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