How to become a better, well-rounded SQL Server DBA

People are sometimes asking me, how to become a better, well-rounded SQL Server DBA. Of course, the first reason with which I’m responding is “Experience, Experience, Experience”. Nothing helps you more than a daily experience with SQL Server. But on the other hand you also need to know how SQL Server works internally, how you can attack performance related SQL Server problems, and how to troubleshoot worse performing SQL Server installations. For that reason I’m providing with my company SQLpassion high quality SQL Server Workshops across Europe, with the goal to make YOU a better, well-rounded SQL Server DBA!

I want you!

Besides the deep technical information about the internal working mechanism of SQL Server, the workshops are also flooding you with a huge amount of demos and approaches how to troubleshoot, and finally resolve SQL Server related performance problems. Approaches that I’m using on a daily basis in my various consulting engagements to hunt down SQL Server performance problems. People are also describing the information flood during the workshops like drinking continuously from a fire hose 🙂

Here are some feedbacks from previous attendees over the last years:

  • “I have learned throughout the workshop more than in my whole SQL Server life!”
  • “The workshop was like listening to a story, not just technical info. Even though it was demo based it had practical and application real-world applications.”
  • “Although I already knew a lot of the principles that was gone over, I also learned a lot that I did not know. It will be good to take the additional knowledge back to work and see if I can improve our production environment.”
  • “Klaus provided plenty of information and techniques for SQL Server performance troubleshooting that are not evident in standard SQL Server training and from available online information.”
  • “My notes have a bunch of TODOs for follow up research and implementation. Mostly it’s a bunch of settings to check and probably tweak to suit our environment, but I also found a couple new tools to check out.”
  • “Baselining is the key to troubleshooting. Solving a problem can lead to more opportunities and sometimes solving problems can create more problems, without a baseline you’ll never know.”

If you also want to try the experience about how it is to drink continuously from a fire hose to become a better, well-rounded SQL Server DBA, visit my SQLpassion Academy website, where the various workshops are listed, that I’m running over the next months in Europe. And if you want to get a tasting about my workshops, I also highly recommend to watch my various free videos available on my Youtube Channel.

I’m looking forward to see you & thanks for reading


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